We are excited to announce that TAE Life Sciences will have a significant presence at the 20th International Congress on Neutron Capture Therapy (ICNCT), taking place in Krakow, Poland, from June 24 to 28, 2024. This biennial event is the premier conference for advancements in the field of boron neutron capture therapy (NCT) and serves as a vital platform for researchers, clinicians, and industry professionals to share their latest findings and technological advancements in all aspects of BNCT.
The 20th ICNCT conference will feature presentations, workshops, and discussions on various aspects of neutron capture therapy, including basic research, clinical applications, technological advances, materials and compounds, and case studies.
TAE Life Sciences’ Contributions at ICNCT 2024:
- Plenary Presentation by CEO Rob Hill:
- When: Wednesday, June 26 at 11:00 AM
- Topic: State of TAE Life Sciences and BNCT Future Directions
- Oral Presentations:
- Tuesday, June 25 at 3:00 PM: Warren Kilby will present “Pharmacokinetic modeling to extrapolate from mouse to human biodistribution data for new tissues and compounds.”
- Wednesday, June 26 at 3:50 PM: Chad Lee will present “Neutron Beam System for Accelerator BNCT in China: Status and Performance.”
- Poster Presentations:
- Tuesday, June 25 from 1:30 to 3:00 PM:
- Michael Torgov will present in the Chemistry of NCT Carriers poster session about “Antibody boron conjugates with a payload comprised of carborane-modified poly-L-lysine is capable of delivering boron to EGFR-expressing tumor cells.”
- Karen Morrison will participate in the Biology poster session about “First reported immunohistochemical studies and q-PCR expression of LAT-1 transporter in the hamster cheek pouch oral cancer model.”
- Thursday, June 27 from 12:00 – 1:30 PM
- Chad Lee will present in the Engineering and Physics poster session about “Optical monitoring of the position and size of direct current particle beams.”
- Warren Kilby will present in the Medical Physics poster session about “The expected dose of radiation therapists at a high-throughput BNCT Center.”
- Tuesday, June 25 from 1:30 to 3:00 PM:
TAE Life Sciences is proud to contribute to the advancement of neutron capture therapy and to be part of this esteemed conference. We look forward to engaging with other professionals in the field, sharing our research and innovations, and exploring collaborative opportunities to further enhance the
effectiveness and application of NCT in the field of oncology.
If you’re interested in learning more about our presence at ICNCT or are planning to attend and would like to meet with the team, please email Anna Theriault at atheriault@taelifesciences.com.